2023 IF YOU WERE AN ENGINEER Finalists' Inventions
We had many children awarded merits and distinctions for their inventions but 4 of our children were given the top grading of Distinction Short-listed. Congratulations to Thomas and Edward, in Year 4 and Jolin and Angelo, in Year 3. Take a look at their creative designs:
Thomas invented 'The Technological Independent Electronic Device', TIE-D for short. This robot helps people in hospitals and was inspired by his French Grandpa's time in hospital. | Edward invented 'Water Ways' a revolutionary water system to provide water to people in places where water is scarse, inspired by Water-Aid adverts on the television. | Jolin invented a solar powered 'Remember Bot' to help people remember things. | Angelo invented 'The Super Magnet', powered by waste and designed to help elderly people pick up things. It is also able to magnetise materials which aren't conventionally magnetic. |