Holy Trinity CofE


Welcome to Eagles, our Junior class for Key Stage 2 pupils aged 9-11.

The class teacher is Mrs Chilton. She is assisted by Mrs Palmer.

Eagles Class is a place where children can further the develop their skills of independence and responsibility.  They study a wide variety of subjects across the curriculum and enjoy many hands on, practical activities which help them to deepen their understanding.  Sport is very popular with the older children, as is drama and music.  They produce a play every two years and are a responsible for all aspects of the production.  They love their Forest School’s sessions, problem solving and working collaboratively.  The oldest children in Year 6 take on a range of prefect roles.  They fully immerse themselves in the community of our school and particularly enjoy interacting with the younger children. 

 Click here to read about our Eagles curriculum.


Key information:

Autumn Term 2024

Monday - Uniform

Tuesday - Uniform

Wednesday - PE kit

Thursday - Uniform

Friday - Uniform          Homework is set on a Friday and due in the next Friday.