Forest School Sessions
Every class has the opportunity to take part in Forest School sessions in neighbouring woods one afternoon a week for a whole term. We know that when children spend periods of time in nature it has a positive impact on their mental and physical health and is an indicator of future long-term success and happiness. Hugging a tree really can make you feel better! Resilience and grit are key factors in adult success and well-being. Children who attend Forest School sessions benefit from growing their inner resources as they continue learning outside, whatever the weather.
At Forest School we take a child centred approach to their learning which is fun and unhurried. They have the opportunity to observe, learn and in turn, try out new skills including tool work with knives, saws, drills, loppers and secateurs, fire building (lighting, safety and cooking) and forest crafting using materials from their direct environment. Above all there is the opportunity to play whether that be organised team games or using their own imaginations. Children need the freedom to direct their own play and exploration of the environment, to test their physical boundaries, to judge risk, to challenge themselves and be challenged, to work as part of a team. Alongside experienced leaders who bring with them the knowledge, the listening ear, the facilitating hand each child will find their own way and experience their own successes which might be very different from those experienced in the classroom. The children are creative and curious and through regular Forest School sessions we have seen an improvement in self-esteem and confidence. Through Forest Schools every child can have a voice.
Forest Schools encourages children to observe and care for their direct environment and beyond, they are tomorrow’s environmental ambassadors and through the ripple effect we hope to enable them to share their environmental caretaking duties with their families and the greater community.
Falcons Class, Year 3/4, enjoying Forest School Sessions
Eagles Class, Year 5/6