Special Educational Needs
You can view our updated SEN Policy and SEN Information Report using these links.
Support for parents and carers
Please find links below to support you and your child.
If you have any queries about your child's learning or behaviour, please speak to their class teacher in the first instance.
Our school Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Clarke, who can be contacted on:
Mrs Clarke teaches Falcons class Monday to Wednesday and has allocated SENCO time on Thursdays. Please email her directly on the email address above if you require support or need to arrange a meeting.
A Peaceful School Run - Parent Workshop (video)
Now and Beyond (youth mental health charity) recently offered an online webinar about how to deal with digital dependency as a family. The webinar was recorded and can be viewed above.
Starting school
Going to the opticians before school starts
Steps to starting school - NHS guidance
Cognition and Learning
Developing number sense - balancing numbers
Audio books - via 'Libby' (an app linked with your library card number and use for free)
Support Literacy skills - International Dyslexia Learning (IDL) KS1 and KS2
Thinking about thinking (metacognition)
Developing Organisational Skills - please note this was published by NHS in Dorset, so do not follow the contact links at the end of the document.
Communication and Interaction
EYFS Play activities to support communication and interaction
Printable communication picture cards
Speech and Language - ages and stages of development
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
What to Do (and Not Do) When Children Are Anxious
Autism and Challenging Behaviour
Helping your child with anger issues
Building self esteem and resilience
Building Our Feelings Vocabulary worksheet - from PositivePsychology.com
Common problems and life issues
Managing self harm and suicidal thoughts
Moving on up transition booklet - Y6 to Y7
A resilience and mental health guide for parents and carers
The teenage brain: How can neuroscience help us understand teenagers?
Toolkits for mental health and wellbeing
Wellbeing Action Plan - suitable for KS2 (by Charlie Waller)
West Sussex Single Point of Access (SPoA) - Emotional wellbeing and mental health support
Y5 and Y6 - Talking Mental Health video
Young Minds - Parents helpline
Online Safety tips (from internetmatters.org)
Age 0-5
internet matters age guide 0 5s jan23.pdf
Age 6-10
internet matters age guide 6 10s jan23.pdf
Age 11-13
internet matters age guide 11 13 jan23.pdf
Age 14+
internet matters age guide 14plus jan23.pdf
Parenting Tips - screen time, creating routines, apps and more
Physical and Sensory
Healthier Families - eating and exercise
Managing the Christmas sensory overload
Sensory activities for calming
Toileting - a guide for parents and carers (National Autistic Society)
Treating constipation in children with additional needs
Top Tips for Managing After School Meltdowns
West Sussex Disability Register (0-25)
Adult Support Services
Aspens (charity) - Family support clinics
Children and Young People's Domestic Abuse Support Service
Horsham Family Hub (The Needles)
Reaching Families - Umbrellas Parent Support Group
West Sussex Parent Carer Forum
West Sussex Local Offer - Local Offer West Sussex helps parent carers and their children aged 0 to 25 years who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) find information and services.