Holy Trinity CofE


Welcome to Puffins, our Key Stage 1 class for pupils aged 6-7.

The class teachers are Miss Beadle and Mrs Ollier. They are assisted by Mrs Heneghan.

We have a wonderful infants' block which is bright and well equipped. We are lucky to be able to extend our classroom area immediately outside. 

We continue to use the outside area for both play and work.  We like to be as physical as possible with our learning, using songs and actions to help remember our sounds, when learning new vocabulary and to help us count.

We take the children to a nearby forest for Forest Schools for one term of the year and try to enjoy our school running track regularly for little exercise breaks.

The classroom is equipped with computers which we use to support the curriculum, including phonics and Literacy.

We enjoy lots of creative activities along side our maths and writing and really enjoy stories at the end of the day.

Click here to read about our Puffins curriculum.


September 2024: Welcome back!

Here are a few pieces of information for you:


PE will be on a Tuesday afternoon for everybody. Mr Brown will be taking the Year 1s and 2s and Mrs Brown will be taking the reception children.

Please send the children to school in their PE kit on a Tuesday. Reminder - no jewellery and earrings should be removed.


Your child will come home with a yellow reading record book and a book from the coloured band scheme. Please read regularly with your child at home and record any comments in this book. The teachers will take this book in every Friday to read comments and check how much reading has been done. Children can change their books independently in the mornings when they come in. Please feel free to supplement the reading with any books/magazines/comics from home and record these too. Don't forget reading to your child is just as important.

Home Learning

Year 1 and 2 will bring home a spelling book with a set of spellings each Friday. We would like the children to learn these using Spelling Frame, writing, sentences, saying them out loud and playing games (be creative). We will allocate some time on a Friday to complete the spelling test on Spelling Frame. Your child will come home with a Spelling Frame log in stuck in the front of their books soon. Spelling Frame is a great way for the children to learn their spellings and it helps with typing skills and reading.

Year 1 and 2 will also have an IDL log in stuck in their spelling book. This is an online programme designed specifically to help children with spelling, reading and typing. We will be completing lessons at school but feel free to use this at home as often as possible. The aim is for your child to be able to log on to IDL and Spelling Frame independently so please help initially but encourage independence.

Just to clarify, Miss Beadle is working with Year 2 until her maternity leave when Mrs Ollier will take over. Mrs Carver and Mrs Edgar are working with Reception and Year 1 in the mornings and will be looking after everybody in the afternoons. In the mornings, Phonics, Literacy and Maths will be taught in year groups and topic such as History and Geography will be taught combined in the afternoon. Work will be adapted to the needs of the children.

Jumpers and Coats

Please send your child to school with a coat especially on rainy days as we will be outside in all weathers.  Remember to label all items of personal belongings.

Kind Regards,

Miss Beadle, Mrs Carver and Mrs Edgar